As the Pantoliano Primer lays it out, Giuseppe Pantoliano and Maria Rosa Totaro had 9 children. Thanks to a breakthrough last week where I managed to confirm the deaths of Anthony and Frank Pantoliano *, there is only one sibling unaccounted for.
(Maria) Giuseppa Pantoliano
According to the excellent site which I used as a starting point, she was born in 1867. But that is where the trail goes dead. My assumption as been that she emigrated with the rest of the living family, but have been unable to find out anything for Giuseppa/Josephine and all the permutations of the Pantoliano name. If she’d married, that makes it even more difficult.
Having exhausted Ancestry, I turned to which is not only free but has different info, and some excellent archives, like New Jersey Marriages 1678-1985.
So this turned up after I did a search on the Micales.
I got really excited until I realized that SOME IDIOT DECIDED TO LATINIZE THE NAMES. “Josepho”?, “Sabbatum”?!! With that all hope of figuring out who Sabbatum Silari is was gone. The other problem is the first name Carmina is clearly not Giuseppa (could there have been another daughter?).
I did some more digging and came across this, which also suffers the all too constant misspelling of names. But is it the right name? Carmalla Sartora is sort of close to Carmina Silari…..
While I can find no reference to a Sabbatum/Sabato Sartora/Silari anywhere, I am confident that Carmalla/Carmina is a relative by virtue of the parents….but is she Giuseppa?
The mystery continues until I can look at ever entry for 422 Jackson street in the 1900 census…..