

The first part of my trip to NJ this past summer was to visit the Holy Name Cemetery in Jersey City to track down as many of the headstones as I could.


It was about 90 degrees and I had absolutely no concept of how big the place was.  It took me about half an hour just to find the Pasquale marker, and another half an hour walking up and down trying to find the Lisa marker where his wife was laid to rest.   I didn’t know there was a second Dolores….

[ If it weren't for an excellent man named Ron, a groundskeeper of the cemetery, I would have been walking for hours.  Instead he took me to each location and helped me get photos of everything. ]

Something I’ve discovered, because most of the families were pretty poorly off, they often couldn’t afford to engrave additional names on a family marker.  Thus it was with Maria Monaco Pantoliano — she, her brother an parents were all interred here.


I found many markers from the Peter branch like this one


Some from the Pasquale branch and some of the Borrellis as well.  Unfortunately info on James Pantoliano is still not to be found.

The rest of the markers are in the Misc. gallery in the photo archive.